Category Archives: Election Fraud

Election 2012 vs. Election 2008: What has Changed?

As gullible Americans once again eagerly go to the polls to do their godly duty to “democracy” every four years in the hope of bringing some change to their rapidly declining lot, and all sorts of erudite predictions are being prognosticated from exit polls to election fraud, a more fundamental aspect of these elections is being cleverly pushed under the rug across the board spanning the entire gamut of perception management, from mainstream press to the so called “alternate press”.

Rather than rehash it all over again, that the concept of election itself is the biggest American fraud ab initio, here is a retrospective in FLASHBACKS from Election 2008.

You be the judge!



FLASHBACK  Not-Voting is a ‘YES’ vote to Reject a Corrupt System


FLASHBACK  Response to ‘Why I won’t vote for Obama’ November 03, 2008


FLASHBACK  Mr. Obama – The Post Modern Coup: Response to ‘You’re Scaring Me, Obama: Let the Bush Years Die’


Flashback: From President George W. Bush to President Barrack Obama – More faces change, more they remain the same! By Zahir Ebrahim




BEGIN EXCERPT (From the Mighty Wurlitzer)

However, while most recognize that advertising is a multi-billion dollar business and accept it as a matter of for-profit corporate modernity, few are aware of an order of magnitude more resources being perversely spent by tax-exempt foundations, and the tax-payers (quite unbeknownst to themselves of course), on far more diabolical aspects of social engineering for “getting people to consent to what is happening to them. Well, it seems to me that the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude!” (please once again refer to Aldous Huxley quoted at the very beginning to refresh your memory that I haven’t made all this up)

Captiom Obama Wins! ... Ad Age's Marketer of the Year At ANA Gathering, Marketing Pros and Agency Bigs Tap Barack Over Apple, Zappos October 17, 2008

Advertising Age’s 2008 Marketer of the Year award to President Obama for his election campaign of the “Change” mantra, and the Nobel committee’s awarding him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize testify to the empiricism of this observation. The American nation easily bought that fiction of “Change”, which was once again underscored by President Obama bombing Libya on the same day in 2011 that his predecessor bombed Iraq in 2003!

How did the American public buy that fiction? Once again, please refer back to the very beginning of this report and to Edward Bernays: “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

Only a tiny handful in America did not buy that fiction. Among those handful who defied the wisdom of the entire American nation and their controlled dissent chiefs, see: Not-Voting is a ‘YES’ vote to Reject a Corrupt System which thrives on the facade of Elections and Democracy! And Mr. Obama – The Post Modern Coup.



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