Category Archives: Glenn Beck

Why Not Be An Ostrich?

Why Not Be An Ostrich?

Zahir Ebrahim


Friday, February 13, 2009

Excerpted from Financial Terrorism January-February 2009

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

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In his interview with Alex Jones on February 09, 2009, Dr. Jerome Corsi accurately described the grotesque and rapidly unfolding reality with respect to the pending North American Union.

Not much needs to be added to Dr. Jerome Corsi’s statements beyond the following critique, and a reference to Project Humanbeingsfirst’s exposition on ‘carbon-credit‘ to explain its significance in the greater scheme of things. Dr. Corsi suggests in the above interview that his making the “secrets” about the North American Union public has delayed the inevitable, and Alex Jones agrees with that congratulatory self-pat on the back. I can’t stand these vacuous self-adulations. We have a very famous couplet in the Urdu language, loosely translated it means: “to console the [delusional] heart, this thought is very nice”.

We, the handful of conscionable activists who genuinely give a damn enough to put our personal stake in the ground with our name and our public activism, we who risk telling the unvarnished truth on a matter of principle, and who aren’t dialectically participant in the Machiavellian orchestration of manufacturing dissent, haven’t accomplished a darn thing nor averted a farthing’s worth of fait accompli. The conspiracy for one-world government is itself becoming public because it is time for it to “break-surface”, to emerge from the shadows as astutely predicted by David Icke ten years ago that it would when the globalists were good and ready for it. The moon is deliberately playing hide-and-seek in the clouds as the Sun orchestrates its visibility by modulating its own furnace, and the great Shaman in the Andes thinks it is managing the moon’s shadow-play in its own battle against the rapacious predator!

In 1966, Professor Carroll Quigley in his book “Tragedy and Hope” had already observed that the globalists were almost ready and their stranglehold on world’s affairs was almost complete. So today, their pronouncements are brazenly appearing in all sorts of mainstream newsmedia, and the Financial Times Oped of December 08, 2008 was only among the first. And before that, it wasn’t particularly a state-secret either. Please see “The Enduring Capitalist Conspiracy For World Government”. The CFR document by Robert A. Pastor “Building a North American Community” has been publicly available since May of 2005 from the Council on Foreign Relations Press, 175 pages, ISBN 0876093489, $15.00, Task Force Report No. 53. And even that wasn’t news, because anyone following the Trilateralists’ agenda and having read and analyzed the import of the many words of David Rockefeller, knew it. Please refer to the Monetary Reform Bibliography.

And were the globalists not so confident of the inevitable now being unstoppable, and all the eventualities and contingency planning now legally already in place for any minor ineffectual disturbances here and there, they wouldn’t now be so brazenly proclaiming in the mainstream media their long, and hitherto only mildly-undertoned, subversive agenda for one-world government! The agenda which has so surreptitiously been orchestrated in the backdrop of their own manufactured crises. Even its core-principle of operation was accurately explained by G. Edward Griffin in his 1970 documentary film after he had studied W. Cleon Skousen’s commentary on Carroll Quigley’s book aptly titled “The Naked Capitalist”:


“Create conditions so frightful at home and abroad, that the abandonment of personal liberties and national sovereignty, will appear as a reasonable price for a return to domestic tranquility and world peace…. If those who seek world dominion can raise the spectre of an enemy, armed to the teeth with superior atomic weapons on the verge of launching a nuclear holocaust, and also offer world-government as the prevention, then millions of Americans can be programmed to accept the loss of national sovereignty, as our last best hope for peace.”

And the fact that Jerome Corsi published a book on the North American Union in 2007 and Alex Jones suggests that they (superficially) denied its thesis in the mainstream news at the time while the New York Times simultaneously listed it on its Best Seller list, only makes it the moon’s shadow play of mocking the ‘dumb and dumber’. A simple visit to in the past few years would have made any mainstream denial of North American Union straightforwardly manifest to anyone from among the public inclined to do a bit of reading. In fact, Richard N. Gardner had outlined the subversion for ending national sovereignty in CFR’s Foreign Affairs way back in April 1974 in his article “The Hard Road To World Order” thusly:

“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up, rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

The public relations game in the mainstream media played out for the benefit of the ‘dumb goy’ has nothing to do with protecting state secrets. Had it really mattered to the ‘ubermenschen’ that this matter be kept secret – never mind that CFR would no more have published it than PNAC would have published “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in 2000 brazenly letting on about their calculated need for a mobilizing pretext such as a “New Pearl Harbor” a full year before it transpired – both Mr. Jerome Corsi and Mr. Alex Jones would have met the fate of JFK, MLK, RFK. Or minimally, at least that of iconoclast Eustace Mullins.

The latter, a truly revolutionary Socratic detective – and to my mind, the one genuinely deserving of the accolade “most important intellectual alive” without any need to prepend “arguably” to it – the only living protégé of American poet-philosopher Ezra Pound (whose other three protégés each won a Nobel Prize in Literature), can’t even get any of his self-published out of print books re-published because of lack of resources. And here Dr. Jerome Corsi has the grand daddy of all mainstream publishers – Simon and Schuster – excitedly reprint a new edition of his “The Late Great USA: NAFTA, the North American Union, and the Threat of a Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada (Paperback – Feb. 17, 2009)”.

Eustace Mullins was the first one to reveal the Secrets of the Federal Reserve post World War II, and has been hounded by the Federal government in ways that has been denied many a worthy dissenter. But even so, the octogenarian is also still alive. If any of them were such a real threat, they’d surely “sleeps with the fishes” by now or at least had a sensational “Washington suicide”! To really understand why it is not a major concern for the oligarchs of any public revelation of their open-secrets which are only hidden in plainsight anyway, please see the Foreword 2005 of Prisoners of the Cave! Anyone with an iota of interest, and not entirely consumed by the voluntary pursuits of his or her ‘American Dream’, can uncover any of this information.

And the reason the globalists feel so confident in now loudly proclaiming their proposed solutions of global structures for political and monetary governance, and yes within their own contorted shadow-play of sometimes brazenly mocking, and sometimes testing the water for public readiness, is because the only force that could have possibly caused any consternation to them – the world’s peoples collectively caring for what’s happening to them – have very effectively been neutralized. Their secret sauce to the recipe, so to speak, lies in such revelations not having any (timely) mass mobilizing impact, and they have already taken astute and systematic care of that in the preceding decades. The first key subversion was to get rid of labor unions – and they got rid of the nation’s production base which helped cement those matters. Now it is all off shored to labor slums of economic conscription in dictatorships which rule with an iron fist – no worries about any labor problems. The other core subversion was to transform the two political parties into lobby-group heavy elitist plutocracies representing the same oligarchic interests, whereby, the voting masses are now reduced to picking from a carefully culled sampling of inepts, crooks, and other motley fools who can easily be led by their ignoramus or elongated nose for they at least know which side their bread is buttered. The rare sprinkling of an honest politician being the exception rather than the norm.

And if you think I am making all this up, just witness this candid admission by Congressman Paul KanJorski, D-Penn 11th District, Chair of Capital Markets Subcommittee, of his incompetence and inexpertise in economics and monetary matters while responding to a distraught caller on Washington Journal about the House Economic Stimulus Proposal: “We are not any geniuses in economics or finance on the Hill. We are Representatives of the people.”

And where were the organized mass demonstrations and shut-down strikes in either October 2008, or now in February 2009? Precisely!

Still not convinced that it is okay today to let the mainstream public know what is already not such a big-secret because in reality, the public is entirely neutralized, and at best, they will only riot out of desperation when the food runs out and that works well to serve the oligarchs’ own purposes of more pretexts of a police-state to keep the law and order? Take a look at the official US debt by decade between 1900 and 2006 in the 2006 book by Van K. Tharp (Pg. 158, Figure 6.1) which is today taking America for a ride on the horns of economics gibberish. Now watch this engaging video clip of Glenn Beck at Fox News showing the same data updated to 2009, which is directly indicative of the premeditated hyperinflation direction of the fiat dollar.

Glenn Beck presented the above analysis just recently on mainstream right-wing television station that was as gung-ho on the Iraq War, and as supportive of Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, as any mainstream news television can be of its oligarchic ruling-elite. And yet, Mr. Beck is today getting away with loudly critiquing the government’s policy. Notice however, how he gallantly hesitates to label it the palpable criminal conspiracy of the bankers to deliberately crash the dollar – because that assertion, of what is outright obvious, on mainstream news, would only see him hanging at the end of a rope! Also see the analysis of Glenn Beck’s conversations with Ron Paul January 21, 2009 in which both cleverly tango around the core-lies to sustain the mythology that it is all due to unfortunate shortsightedness, or see the unraveling of Ron Paul’s errors of calculated omissions on CNBC, January 27, 2009. And those aren’t this revolutionary rebel’s only omissions either. See this Open Letter to Ron Paul Supporters for some very fine political craftsmanship of Ron Paul, and its unraveling.

Never mind the public outrage, never mind the complicit ruling-elite and their tortuous instruments of psyops upon the gullible public – where is the commonsense of the middle-tier educated elite class and of the ‘haves’? Are they as gullible as the masses to not see that the criminal conspiracy for world government is actually unfolding before their very eyes, and that none of this is due to happenstance or due to the incontrovertible laws of economics? That it is all deliberately manufactured on the horns of economics gibberish?

Only anecdotally speaking of course, not one person I personally know, either in the West or the East, gives a damn for anything other than their own tiny microcosm. Not one educated ignoramus with Ph.D. or MBA I know has any clue about the Federal Reserve System, nor cares enough to show outrage in the streets when they do know. And nor the many filthy-rich CEOs of corporations and business friends I run into here and there – in America and in Pakistan – give a bloody hoot! For many, “god is running the world”. And they look at me strangely when I suggest that perhaps it’s the devil who is. The last executive acquaintance I ran into was just this past weekend at a restaurant – a serial entrepreneur who knew all about financing companies and “leverage” – and he had his eyes glaze over when I started to explain the agenda behind the financial crisis after he had first explained to me, in technical jargon, how loans might be instantly called in by the banks as soon as the businesses re-calibrated their real worth today which is why they were avoiding it. I think he told me at least twice to eat my food instead. The ‘haves’ simply have too much at stake in the system to buck it – denial is the safest, for this way, they still remain hopeful of the crumbs that will surely fall in their lap if they keep up their industriousness of pursuing their ‘American Dream’ with blinkers on. This co-opted technocrats force – for that’s really the only honest word left to describe them once all their hypocrisy and their self-justification for their ignorance are peeled away – makes for a perfect middle-management system in the new world order. They espouse the selective conscience, the selective expertise in their profession, the self-delusion of being rather virtuous and with clean hands, and show the eager willingness to remain silent participants in the core-lies of the system, all of which are necessary mercenary traits to perpetuate the world order and be amply rewarded for it. Thus, the sale of Mega yachts has shot through the roof, according to the Miami Herald’s David Gelles.

I am really not making this up as I go along. Mr. Gelles reported in the Sunday Edition of October 26, 2008 – right after the bailout bill had passed – the yacht industry complaint that “megaships continue to be built faster than they can be staffed, … There are too many large vessels being built right now, and we already have too many boats out there,” Mr. Gelles further informed the beleaguered rank and file of Sunny Miami: “This year, 1,000 motor yachts longer than 80 feet are under construction, a steep jump from the 87 such ships being built 10 years ago, according to the report.” While most of America is having trouble paying their bills for food, a Venture Capitalist acquaintance just purchased a multi-million dollar home in the mountains. And his previous home was already palatial to start with. Why would he give a damn and risk losing his fortune to an IRS audit, or donate a 100 million dollars to take on the Rockefeller Foundation as a public service? I did sort of pitch the idea of backing the monetary reform agenda to him, never heard back of course, nor invited again to visit. In fact, at this VC’s party, I had met the most educated ignoramii pretentious millionaires of America who seemed to know far less about the nature of money that was in their pockets than one might have expected. None willing to risk losing it, they each spoke as if they understood it all, each had their favorite horse between Obama and McCain, and perhaps thought I was a raving lunatic when I explained that both had a Brzezinski behind them, and that money was made out of thin air. They’d in fact be silly to wanna risk their good life for some abstract principle of truth and justice. Narratives is all they understand, and indeed tell to each other in their brief respites from making more money.

Okay you say, that’s the filthy rich of the world. They are all alike everywhere. Surely the ‘have-nots’ in the rank and file give a damn?

Not the immigrant cabbie I met recently! Complaining of too few customers in these rough times to make ends meet, when I tried to tell him about the world according to the lonely Socrates and why he had so few customers, he just shrugged and moved on to worry about his next meal. And nor does the working class engineer friend of mine who lives comfortably in a posh locality and who simply replied: “I’ll take care of my camels, god will take care of Its own property”. He was referring to some largely mythical event in a 1500 year old history that he swears by as his moral guide and passport to heaven. When I persisted in explaining the devilish global agenda to him and that there was only hell at its end for the majority of us, he ended it by calmly asserting “I don’t have the time to study any of this”, and “god is running the world”.

So okay, maybe I just don’t know that many people in the world. Perhaps the goodly conscionable people are all out there somewhere, in the millions, among the 6.5 billion. And it is in their consideration, in their fear of retaliation, that Jerome Corsi’s book, as he maintains, caused the ruling-elite to delay their evil agenda. In the interview to Alex Jones, Corsi stated that he has even made that premise the thesis of the epilogue in the new edition of his book.

The empirical evidence of such principled peoples existing on planet earth who would scare the pants off the hectoring hegemons is scant however. The Gaza protest against the Israeli shoah of the Palestinians which I attended in San Francisco on January 10, 2009, was minuscule compared to the one in February 2003 on the eve of the criminal invasion of Iraq. Even fewer people give a damn today despite all the horrible exposures by the globalists’ own mouth piece, the New York Times, in the last 5 years, than they did back then. And conditions in the United States are at least an order of magnitude worse than they were 5 years ago! The fact that civilians and babies were being butchered didn’t seem to phase out too many Americans. For that matter, dead children shot in the head at close range, and burning bodies from phosphorous bombs, didn’t seem to have phased too many other nations either beyond the usual lip-service. No one declared war on the pariah state, no one sent in their armies to protect the civilians. Only one lonely courageous “Dignity” sailed to their symbolic rescue, instead of one million for some real efficacy! Only one beleaguered nation that is itself under the gun, dared to send in some token supplies on a boat which was trivially held up by conspiring mercenaries en route. See “Happy-Happy in Hope and Voluntary Servitude” for more empiricism for the worldwide neutralization of public response.

Therefore, claiming that publishing a book of eloquent prose on matters already apparent has averted or delayed some grotesque fate that is awaiting all of us, is the height of narcissistic self-delusion. Humility of course was hardly ever a hallmark of Western intellectualism in the first place. Our Zeitgeist has even demonstrated its profound infertility between the ‘Manufacturing Consent and Manufacturing Dissent‘ of the Rhett Butler mercenaries too cowardly to admit it, and the dreamstate of the handful of genuine Socrates riding hard on a treadmill of slogans amidst great incestuous applause.

Facing up to the tortuous reality the way it actually is, and not imposing one’s own imaginative narratives upon it like the globalists do to hypothesize a different world, can be a bit more useful in meeting the real challenges. If only they’d stop patting themselves on the back for their noisy run on the treadmill, and instead, donate all the proceeds of their bestseller books and documentaries rehearsing the crimes of empire and the suffering of its victims, to create a Foundation for Justice, to fund a JPAC (Justice Political Action Committee), etc. Without effort towards such mass mobilizing, institution building, and negotiating power wielding infrastructures, and without sinking massive funds into it like the oligarchs do, the mantra of dissent has become big business in the West. Like everything else here, truth too has a price.

I would like to know how many dissent-space acclaimed authors and con-fession artists whose books line the shelves of major bookstores chains and grace the New York Times bestseller list, who command high speaking fees on the lecture circuit and make a good living peddling their narration of crimes of empire, gave away their harvest to the Iraqi and Afghani families? There are at least a hundred if not a thousand books on 911. How many donated the proceeds to the victims of 911, both in the United States, and in the rest of the world? At least, Captain Rhett Butler, even as a mercenary was still intellectually honest enough to un-hypocritically admit his capitalist instincts and the reality of defeat of the side he was helping in Gone with the Wind:

‘And have you so much money, Captain Butler?

What an ill-bred question, Mrs. Hamilton. I’m surprised. But yes. For a young man cut off without a shilling in early youth, I’ve done very well. And I’m sure I’ll clean up a million on the blockade.

Oh, no!

Oh, yes! What most people don’t seem to realize is that there is just as much money to be made out of the wreckage of a civilization as from the upbuilding of one.

And what does all that mean?

Your family and my family and everyone here tonight made their money out of changing a wilderness into a civilization. That’s empire building. There’s good money in empire building. But, there’s more in empire wrecking.

What empire wrecking are you talking about?

This empire we’re living in – the South – the Confederacy – the Cotton Kingdom – it’s breaking up right under our feet. Only most fools won’t see it and take advantage of the situation created by the collapse. I’m making my fortune out of the wreckage.

Then you really think we’re going to get licked?

Yes. Why be an ostrich?’

The blood-drenched transformation stage that we find ourselves in today – the wreckage of civilizations – is truly “Between Two Ages”. That brilliant description is not mine, but the title of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s seminal book which [presumably] got him discovered by David Rockefeller who appointed Brzezinski as the Executive Director of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. There are more than a dozen Trilateralists and CFRs in Obama’s Administration pushing the banksters’ agendas across different fronts. The money behind them, at least in the United States, is primarily the Rockefellers’ who own the majority stake in the New York Fed, which in turn largely controls the Federal Reserve System. In Europe, the money is primarily the Rothschilds’ who control all the world’s private central banks with complex interlocking relationships. One cannot fight an infinite supply of money that is conjured out of nothing and which pervades all public and private institutions from universities to businesses to governments, with mere talk and chest thumping.

To genuinely reverse it, requires an order of magnitude different strategies and tactics than blaring into a bull-horn and publishing books! It requires mass mobilizations and the common man’s commandeering of structures of power worldwide to shut down the world. No food on the store shelves, no garbage picked up, no containers unloaded, all civic services stopped, etc. Apart from the fact that all this requires money, organizations, time to build them up, labor unions, political institutions which can mobilize the rank and file, and strategies and tactics of no less convolution than what CFR conjures up, there are also no masses to mobilize, and more importantly, no un-compromising leaders to lead them. Random destructive riots in the streets out of individual desperation doesn’t, and will not, cut it. Ineffectual riots, in fact, are the calculated tactical plan of the globalists themselves, because that enables them to play their fait accompli inducing trump card – martial law! And the FEMA detention camps on military sites have already been made ready to welcome many a malcontent! To understand this matter forensically, see “Why bluff martial law”.

Never mind waking up the sheeples. The genuine “ostrich” activists, the “quite gallant and graceful-looking people”, themselves need to wake up to the grotesque reality first, without any syntactic sugaring sweetening their early morning coffee.

Please read the rest of this news analysis very dispassionately, with an analytical eye, to comprehend that there is zero efficacy to all these current efforts to halt the enormous momentum towards one-world government that has been a very long time in the making. And the criminals are very very clever, almost devilish, and a good people enjoying their truth-telling in their Hyde-corner simply cannot match them in tortuous planning, funding, institutionalizing of their corruption, and construction of complex lies within lies and disseminating them through billion dollar media outlays and convoluted psyops. Between Huxleyan and Orwellian controls of the masses in the West, and between struggle for daily bread and barely surviving in the East, matters have now progressed so far forward that only adverse chemotherapy, which can potentially kill the patient, can possibly also save the patient.

I must confess I am totally impressed with the accurate sociological insight of H. G. Wells one hundred years ago when he stated in his book “The New World Order” (which apparently few people have actually bothered to read as they often quote the following passage from it quite out of context – see here):

“When the struggle seems to be drifting defiantly towards a world social democracy there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people – will hate the New World Order – and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.”

Please sit back and watch how the real patriots do it to the predators of their jungle:



Related: Response to ‘Why I’m leaving Harvard’ By Zahir Ebrahim November 19, 2010 – Why the two Harvard professors are absurdly arguing which side of the fence is greener in the Technetronic prison-state they are helping to construct

The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at Verbatim reproduction license at


Links updated: Sunday, November 28, 2010 4543

Why Not Be An Ostrich? 14/14 Friday, February 13, 2009